Le Bastille is simply one of the Soave Classico’s best producers. They have some of the most incredible handtended terrace vineyards with vines up to 130 years old. There are records of the Bastille vineyard goingback to 1644. Fantastic Volcanic subsoils plus the estate is classified “Viticoltura Eroica” or Heroic Viticulturewhich appears on the label of the Battistelle cuvee. It stands for the hard work that production of thesewines requires.
Owned by Gelmino and Cristina Dal Bosco who after working for larger co-operatives in the regionpassionately wanted their estate, and started in 2002 under the Le Batistelle label. They own just over 9hectares (100% Garganega) divided across four small plots all situated in the hills of Brognoligo.
The vineyards of Gelmino and Cristina Dal Bosco are situated in the hamlet of Brognoligo, in the heart of theSoave Classico production area. Their own production started in 2002 under Le Batistelle over 9 hectares(100% Garganega) divided across four small plots all situated in the hills of Brognoligo.
The Battistelle vineyard specifically is situated on the “cru” of the Castellaro hill between the highest andstoniest hills where the soil is high density volcanic subsoil. Garganega, from their perspective matures andbest expresses all its power in this soil type, not repeatable anywhere. A mix of structure and elegancesurrounded by a well-balanced acidity and minerality.
The logo “Viticoltura Eroica” or Heroic Viticulture which appears on the label of the Battistelle cuvee standsfor the hard work that the production of these wines requires. The vineyards are situated on such steepslopes, that machine harvesting is impossible. These hills, lined with old pergolas and supported by dry-stonewalls built with old and heavy volcanic rocks, are of outstanding natural beauty, seconded by our very ownClint Hillery who visited in 2019 to meet the family. Viticulture is deemed to be heroic when regardless ofsubstantial complications, the planting of vineyards and their cultivation, produce some of the highest qualitywines. CERIM, the Research Centre for Mountain Viticulture, has defined four basic criteria – also validindividually – for the denomination:
• land with a slope of more than 30 degrees
• an altitude of more than 500 metres above sea level
• Vineyard developed on terraces and steps
• Planting of vineyards on small islands
Heroic vineyards are therefore located in areas that are difficult to manage due to climate, soil type orgeographical location.
Garganega is not an aromatic variety, so due to that the grapes are very delicate, and to preserve theircharacteristics (acidity etc.) they need to be protected from the hot temperatures and from the sunexposition. The Pergola training system is the most appropriate system since in takes the grapes far from thesoil –the soil is of volcanic origin, so very dark and attracts the sun- and the “Veronese” pergola let the leavescover the grapes from the summer sunlight. In these last years the temperature in summer reach 38-40°C.Pergola means everything by hand.
This wine comes from several small south-facing vineyards in the historic Soave Classico area,from vines predominately between 70 & 90 years old. The volcanic soils are also rich in clayand silt. 100% hand picked due to the extreme slopes. A slow ferment starts and lasts forabout 15 days. The wine remains in the stainless-steel tanks on the fine lees for about 4months, batonnage is performed every second day. No malolactic.
From their revered single vineyard site called ‘Le Batistelle’. Steeped, terraced vineyard onbedrock Volcanic soils, a labour of love for sure. Some of the vines on this special site are upto 100 years old. The vines are grown to the traditional Veronese pergola method, on dry-stone wall terraces. The wine making process begins early October, the bunches are hand-harvested then fermentation takes place in tank for about 20 days. The wine is left to developon the fine lees with frequent batonnage for between 6-8 months in stainless steel tanks. NoMalolactic.
“Pretty florals and complex fruits, Citrus and popping, vibrant and textured. Pure minerals andcitrus line, cuddled by creamy texture. Peach stone finish huge length for a Soave” – Clint – Francaboutwine